Personality Assessments
It can be quite a challenge to describe who we are, especially when we've been busy surviving the battles of daily life, struggling with mental health difficulties, or recently gone through significant changes in our life. That said, learning about who we are can be essential in order to successfully navigate challenges that the future will hold for us. With greater knowledge about our how we respond to the people in our life, we can learn skills and strategies to enrich conversations and mitigate conflicts.
Psychological personality assessment uses evidence-based assessment tools to examine capabilities and personality. We use clinically objective and standardised assessments so that you can get high quality, detailed report about your personality. We are highly trained and experienced in writing psychological reports and are able to tailor our reports to the desired audience, whether that is you, an employer, or family.
What kind of information will I get?
We use a tool called the NEO PI-R which is a concise measure of the five major domains of personality and the six facets that define each domain:

These five domains and the 30 associated facet scales of the NEO PI-R facilitate a comprehensive and detailed assessment of normal adult personality. We challenge you to describe yourself in over 35 difference ways! In addition, the NEO PI-R compares your scores with the general population so that you know where you stand compared to others.
How can I do my assessment?
Assessments are administered online and you are able to get your results and a full report written by a psychologist within 2 business days. The cost of each assessment is $300 which includes the cost of the assessment, the report, and, a one hour feedback appointment.
In order to initiate the process, please complete the form below: